Dr. Nurul Huda is an Instructor at Ryerson University and a Professor in the School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science, at Centennial College in Toronto. He also worked at Humber College and York University in Canada, the Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS) and the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Japan and Dhaka University in Bangladesh. He received a Doctorate degree in Informatics from The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan. He teaches various subjects in Business Technology Management, and Communication and Software Engineering, such as Data Center, Virtualization, Cloud Computing, Network Design, Network Management, System Analysis and Design, Database Design, Web Design, and Information System Security and Privacy. He has developed several undergraduate courses including fully online courses and published over 40 peer reviewed research articles in international journals and conference proceedings. Dr. Nurul's research interests include privacy enhancing technologies, cloud and datacenter services, and routing protocols